It may seem counterintuitive to think that the pandemic is the right time to own a UROSPOT franchise, but we believe it is.  Here are the top 5 reasons why now is the right time to own a UROSPOT franchise.

1. Real Estate

A year ago every business person would say how challenging it is to find a great location at a reasonable rate.  COVID has changed this reality. Prime locations are becoming increasingly available.  As we learned in university economics class, as the supply of prime locations goes up and the demand for prime locations goes down, the prices decline. The chance of securing your dream location is so much easier today. With rent being one the higher fixed costs on your monthly P&L, securing these lower rates can increase your profitability.

2. Real Job Security In A Business Deemed Essential

COVID has clearly demonstrated that job security is something we cannot take for granted.  People are waking up every day concerned about when the next round of corporate downsizing will happen.  Here’s the sobering truth.  So long as you are an employee of someone else, you never truly have job security. The only way to be in control of job security is to own your own business. Clearly this doesn’t come without it’s own level of stress.  As an entrepreneur you are responsible for generating your results, but when you own your business you create and control job security.  If you are someone who has experienced the furloughs and downsizing, change like this offers you opportunities.  It is the chance to start over and to ensure you are now in the driver’s seat. Franchise ownership is a safer step forward as you are purchasing an existing and proven system.  In franchising, you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself.  It is well documented that the failure rate of a new franchisee inside a franchise system is much lower than an entrepreneur starting a business from scratch.  In these times joining a franchise system that has been deemed an essential service like UROSPOT is another check box on the security list.

3. Money is Cheap

Interest rates are at an all-time low.  The time is now for securing the financing you need to make your franchise dream come true.  Programs like the Canada Small Business Financing Loan are an incredible tool to help you fund up to 90% of eligible items like construction and equipment.

4. Competition is Reduced

It’s easier to jump into business in a strong economy, but with that also comes increased competition in the advertising space which translates to increased costs. The competitors with weaker business models and operating systems, lack of marketing skillset, no differentiating advantage, and poor financial discipline are the ones who won’t make it. The stronger systems with the strongest differentiating advantage are the ones who will win and increase share.  UROSPOT is a unique system with sophisticated branding expertise behind it. The business model is set up to win and the brand is fresh, new and moves people to take action for their health.  We are not competing in an overcrowded market; UROSPOT is defining the market.

5. Health and Wellness Is on The Rise – UROSPOT Is Right on Trend

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the importance of both physical and mental health to the forefront. There is an opportunity for private sector businesses focused on wellness to capitalize on these trends.

UROSPOT is on trend and aligned with the minds of Canadians.  The pandemic has given us time to think more about our health and wellness.  At UROSPOT we hear countless stories of people who say they do not want to end up like their parents when it comes to incontinence.  The spotlight has been centered on the state of our long-term care facilities in this country and it is not where people want to end up.  Prevention in terms of healthcare has never been more important and UROSPOT is so well positioned to capitalize on this reality.  The FemTech industry is booming and projected to hit $50B by 2025. UROSPOT falls beautifully inside this well-defined and attractive industry.  Incontinence is highly prevalent and ripe for disruption.  Women are empowered to want better for themselves and they are seeking treatment options that fit with their active and busy lifestyles. A UROSPOT franchise is not another pizza or sub shop.  It is not another massage clinic.  UROSPOT is a unique single service concept that has never been done before.  We are refining a market and making world class innovation accessible to people struggling with a condition that has been ignored for centuries.

The time to take action is now.  Be a part of the passion we share to disrupt this market and change people’s lives for the better. A UROSPOT franchise is your chance to capitalize on all the opportunity that has come from COVID-19 and define your career destiny.